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Thai Food in Our House

Thai mothers, who know how to cook old style, do not only cook for flavour, they also cook for the specific health needs of their families. The mother is a kind of shaman.

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abstract blur grain orange

My Dream Last Night

ere were people lining a sort of a street about twenty persons deep, and I was one of them.
The atmosphere was fantastic – a bit like London’s Notting Hill or New Orleans’ Mardi Gras

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Massage – A Means to Well-Being

Massage – A Means to Well-Being Read More »

The Fate Twister – Audiobook

The Fate Twister – Audiobook Read More »

A Night In Annwn Audiobook

Night In Annwn Audiobook

A Night In Annwn Audiobook It has taken me most of this year so far to get my first audiobook – A Night In Annwn – read as an audiobook, but the process is now complete and you can listen to the first fifteen minutes below free of charge. It does take quite a long

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