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Daddy’s Hobby by Owen Jones

Daddy’s Hobby by Owen Jones Read More »

Other Languages: Czech, Slovak…

Other Languages: Czech, Slovak… Read More »

The Ghouls of Calle Goya

The Ghouls of Calle Goya Read More »

The Ghouls of Calle Goya

The Ghouls of Calle Goya – Audiobook

Frank and Joy head for Calle Goya in Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol, Spain, but unexplainable occurrences turn their dream honeymoon into a nightmare bringing them both to the verge of madness!

The Ghouls of Calle Goya – Audiobook Read More »

Daisy's Chain - A Story of Love, Intrigue and the Underworld on the Costa del Sol

Daisy’s Chain – Audiobook

Daisy’s Chain – Audiobook Read More »


Biometric Data for Residency Cards

My Thai wife may need a residency card to live here after Brexit – nobody really knows – and part of the application process is the provision of biometric data, but what a palaver, and a waste of time!

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Getting My Thai Wife to the UK

Getting My Thai Wife to the UK (part 213) Those of my regular readers who have followed the five-year saga of my trying to get my Thai wife into the UK will recognize the reference, because Getting My Thai Wife to the UK has been my biggest problem for a decade. Well, I have had

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My Visa Application 2022

August 2017

August 2017 This is the month I have tried to take off every year since I left school. August falls in the school summer holidays in the UK. When my father remarried, it was my sister’s birthday on the first, my dog’s on the fourth, my brother’s on the seventh, mine  on the fourteenth, my real mother’s

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Residence Permit for Spain (final part)

Residence Permit for Spain (final part)

Residence Permit for Spain (final part) We applied for my wife’s residence permit for Spain on February 14th. 2017, although we had been working on it for a year before that. When we left Thailand in May 2016, the Spanish Embassy had assured us that we had all the paperwork we needed for my wife

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Growing Old Abroad

Growing Old Abroad


Growing Old Abroad Old age creeps up on us, as does getting older in general. Parents regularly wonder what happened to their youth, and older people wonder why they hadn’t noticed it happening to them. These are common experiences, but when you have been growing old abroad, there are other factors. Those who are growing

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A Life in Twenty-Two Kilos

A Life in Twenty-Two Kilos Forty-four kilos is the average luggage allowance for a couple flying abroad – twenty-two kilos each. That is how much you can take with you, even if you are starting a new life – even if you are emigrating. It is the airlines’ norm. I can see why that is

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Liverpool vs Real Madrid

Liverpool vs Real Madrid

Liverpool vs Real Madrid It was Liverpool vs Real Madrid in some football cup final or other in our local pub in Fuengirola this evening. Well, I suppose it was in nearly everybody’s local too. I am not really into football. However, many of my friends are at various levels from professional to fanatic, so

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Liverpool vs Real Madrid

Jailed – Locked in, but Locked Out!

Jailed – Locked in, but Locked Out! At six o’clock yesterday evening, I decided that I wouldn’t go to the local pub for a drink, as I usually do, but that I would get a few bottles from the off-licence and carry on working, as I have two audiobooks to approve, which is eleven hours’

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Final Preparations for the UK

Final Preparations for the UK

Final Preparations for the UK We have started to make our Final Preparations for the UK, since we will be flying on June 13th. which is now twenty-five days away. I can’t say that I am looking forward to moving yet again. Moving our home from Thailand to Spain last year with forty-four kilos of

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Liverpool vs Real Madrid

A Lonely Night in Fuengirola


A Lonely Night in Fuengirola I wasn’t happy that night – an argument with the wife, or possibly a misunderstanding… she is Thai, I am Welsh and I know for certain that we still don’t fully understand one another, even after fifteen years. So, I went for a walk around the town where I live,

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Just after our wedding ten years ago

Our Tenth Wedding Anniversary


Our Tenth Wedding Anniversary Yesterday, March 30th. was our tenth wedding anniversary. Well, one of them, anyway, since most foreigners who marry Thais get married twice and not necessarily on the same day. However, despite the two chances, neither of us would have remembered the occasion, if it hadn’t been for Facebook’s built-in calendar reminder.

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