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A Night in Annwn - a book or story?

When a Book Costs Less Than a Drink…

When a Book Costs Less Than a Drink… I will admit it straight from the off! I am a writer with an axe to grind and I cannot understand people who complain that books are too expensive. Most books, in the form of ebooks, cost less than the price of a drink! My ebooks cost

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Promotion for Small Businesses in 52 Parts

Marketing Your Work

Marketing Your Artwork Marketing, advertising, promoting, publicising… it’s all basically the same thing, ie getting the word out there that you have something fantastic to sell. So, where do you begin? This may sound odd, but you should begin before you have anything to sell. Let’s say you’re a writer, like I am. You could

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Reviews of Books on Amazon

Reviews of Books on Amazon

The Reviews of Books on Amazon I have been with Amazon for a relatively very long time – since a few weeks after it started, I think, but I can’t help thinking the the people at the top  – the ones running the firm (that might not include Jeff Bezos, the guy who set it up) are

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Liverpool vs Real Madrid

Pirated eBooks – Writers

Pirated eBooks – Writers There seems to be two schools of though amongst writers concerning pirated ebooks: those who think it’s a good thing or irrelevant and those who would have pirates walk the plank. I am in the latter group after discovering that one site was claiming to have given away 1,755 copies of

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Tiger Lily of Bangkok - Tiger Lily Series

NaNoWriMo 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015 Are you aware of NaNoWriMo 2015? I imagine that if you are not a writer then you are probably not. However, NaNoWriMo 2015 is very important to the world at large and to many, about twenty-five thousand people individually every year. NaNoWriMo 2015 takes place in November and stands for ‘National November Writing

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Progress The concrete boys were back today and surprised me yet again. Instead of just laying storm-water drainage, they are resurfacing the road (lane) to a depth of five or six inches with reinforced concrete. Now that’s what I call progress since no more than five residents own cars. It just goes to support the

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Luxury If buying books is a luxury, which it probably is, then the USA is doing far better than the UK, no matter what Cameron says. For the last six months, Americans have been buying more of my books every month and Brits fewer. Now, in June 2015, American sales of my books are at

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The Lek Series

Mental Cruelty

Mental Cruelty I have turned my attention away from ‘Asian Shorts’ temporarily, because it is ‘out there’ already and my novel isn’t. Not only that but 2,000-odd links on my websites will stop working on July 15th. thanks to Amazon and that would be a catastrophe. I have to start tackling that problem tomorrow. Mental

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