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‘Brexit’ is a tag in use on the blog Megan Publishing Services to refer to the exit of the UK from the European Union


Brexit and Politicians

I oppose Brexit! I am a remainer! I don’t trust politicians of any creed, colour or nationality, so I reckon that the more there are, the safer we will be, because there is more chance of them getting caught cheating us.

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Biometric Data for Residency Cards

My Thai wife may need a residency card to live here after Brexit – nobody really knows – and part of the application process is the provision of biometric data, but what a palaver, and a waste of time!

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Liverpool vs Real Madrid

Brexit – An Undiscussed Consequence

Brexit – An Undiscussed Consequence The main consequences, good and bad, of Brexit – the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union – are being discussed every day in the news, but there is one that I have not heard talked about anywhere except on specialist news groups. It involves British citizens who

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Liverpool vs Real Madrid

Moving To The UK

Moving To The UK I am from Wales, the UK, and my wife is Thai. Those of you who read this blog will already know this, and we have to get back to the UK under European law, before Brexit pulls up the drawbridge in March 2019, because of my wife’s nationality, as those dear

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