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How To Write Your First Book As An Indie Author

In this article, we’ll show you how to write your first book as an indie author. It can be a long, but very enjoyable, journey.

Building an Author Platform

No matter how much things seem to change in your favour, do not ignore what you already have… the very things that gave you the leg up in the first place,

Facebook Idiocy

Then, one morning, I turned on my computer to discover that my Facebook account had been blocked or banned or shut down, whatever you want to call it, for ‘spamming’!

The Rôle of PLR in Internet Marketing

The Rôle of PLR in Internet Marketing

The Internet has been around for more than twenty-five years now, but there are still a lot of novice or would-be sales people who don’t realise that Internet marketing is basically the same as any other type of marketing, except that you have more possibilities and that it can be cheaper.

Promotion for Small Businesses in 52 Parts

Marketing Your Work

Marketing Your Artwork Marketing, advertising, promoting, publicising… it’s all basically the same thing, ie getting the word out there that you have something fantastic to sell. So, where do you begin? This may sound odd, but you should begin before you have anything to sell. Let’s say you’re a writer, like I am. You could …

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Geo-Targetting It seems that everything on the Internet is geo-targetted these days. Just in case you are not sure what I am talking about, I mean that advertisers (and others) first check where your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is located by reading IP address in the message header and then assume that you are a …

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