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The tag ‘reviews’ refers to book reviews mostly written by Chalita Majang or Owen Jones on Megan Publishing Services

Reviews of Books on Amazon

Reviews of Books on Amazon

The Reviews of Books on Amazon I have been with Amazon for a relatively very long time – since a few weeks after it started, I think, but I can’t help thinking the the people at the top  – the ones running the firm (that might not include Jeff Bezos, the guy who set it up) are […]

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Beware Amazon Book Rankings!

Beware Amazon Book Rankings! If you are a reader, or a writer, you probably use Amazon book rankings at some time or another. Even if you are a bookshop owner’s dream and buy your latest reads locally, the chances are that you do your research online and, therefore, on Amazon. And why wouldn’t you? ‘What

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Megan’s Free Audiobook Club

Megan’s Free Audiobook Club Have you caught the recent bug for audiobooks? Or is it audio books? The trend is so new that the jury is still out on the nomenclature, but I am going to use ‘audiobooks’ until it becomes ridiculous to continue to do so. Enter Megan’s Free Audiobook Club! Anyway, I didn’t even

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