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Book Give-Aways

Book Give-Aways at Megan Publishing
Book Give-Aways at Megan Publishing Services

Book Give-Aways

I have two opposing views on book give-aways.

I have done nine book give-aways so far, but I am not sure that I actualy agree with giving my books away. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the principles behind the book give-aways.

The first eight I did, were just so simple, I did no promo at all, I just turned the free function of Kindle on and let it run. Most of the them found 500-600 takers and I was happy with that.

The ninth book give-away was different though. I really promoted it and I mean really, really, promoted it and I do know how to do that. Believe me.

I had 32 takers! I could not believe it, but I was not upset – after all, I don’t really agree with giving my work away – but I was very, very surprised. I don’t know what went wrong.

Anyway, I want to set up my own service for book give-aways. It will be free, but other than that, I am not sure how to set it up. I saw lots of systems on my last book give-away.

I particularly liked the systems of book give-aways, where the author enters all the details and the programme posts them to the web site, but I don’t know how to set it up.

Another way of doing it that I think might be easier, is to have a bulletin board, where people can post their book give-aways for each day that it will be available free of charge.

The only problem that I can foresee with this is the deluge of spammers that attacked my last bulletin board.

So, if you have any suggestions on how to set up a system for promoting authors’ book give-aways, would they please get in touch with me as soon as possible.

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