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The Ghouls Of Calle Goya

The book cover of "The Ghouls of Calle Goya" by Owen Jones

When Malice Results From Good Intentions!


Owen Jones

When Frank, a staid, middle-aged, confirmed bachelor takes his diplomat Thai wife, Joy, to a friend’s apartment on the Costa del Sol for their dream honeymoon, they are in Nirvana. That is, until the ghouls of a secret Scandinavian society torment the superstitious young woman to the point of seeking death to end her suffering.

The Ghouls of Calle Goya is the perplexing story of how Evil can result from the happiest of circumstances and good intentions, and how madness can be the result.

Based on a true story.

(The Costa del Sol Series are stand-alone stories set in Andalucía, Spain).

The Ghouls Of Calle Goya is available in all formats from most bookshops including:

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