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Annwn – Heaven Series

A Night in Annwn
Annwn – Heaven Series

A Heavenly Experience.


Owen Jones

The title Annwn – Heaven Series might seem peculiar to some. However, Annwn, for those who don’t (really) know what it means, is the ancient Welsh word for Heaven. However, that was in pre-Christian times, and it was underground. Under a mountain, in fact. When the early Christians arrived in Britain, they were horrified, and so persuaded the inhabitants that they were actually worshipping Satan, because their Heaven was in the sky.

Hounds of Annwn

The fabled Hounds of Annwn, which, if one heard them approaching, meant that one’s death was nigh, were relabelled The Hounds of Hell. Thus the original concept of Heaven being under a mountain was firmly driven underground. So, with that as the background, this series takes a look at near-death experience of a lonely widower, a hill farmer, Willy Jones, who has let himself go since the death of his beloved wife, Sarah.

Annwn – Heaven Series

There are currently two volumes in this thought-provoking paranormal fantasy series:

Volume one: A Night in AnnwnThe strange story of Willy Jones’s near-death experience

Amazon Tektime Audiobook

Volume two: Life in AnnwnA Heavenly re-union with the dearly departed.

Amazon Tektime Audiobook

Also available as a set from Amazon.

A third is nearing completion to create a trilogy. At the moment, I am thinking of calling it Leaving Annwn, but that could change. We are also in the process of professionally re-designing the covers… one more to go.

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