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Teresa Joseph Franklin

Teresa Joseph Franklin
Teresa Joseph Franklin

Teresa Joseph Franklin

01  Name:    Teresa Joseph Franklin

Blog or Website:


02  Country:

I live in a quiet sleepy village that is called Wool, Dorset. United Kingdom, which is steeped in Lawrence of Arabia and Thomas Hardy history, Tess of the D’Urbervilles was filmed here at Wool Bridge Manor and Lawrence of Arabia lived just a few miles away.


03 Do you prefer to read a genre, and if so, which?: As a freelance editor/proofreader I have the opportunity to read many genres from Sci-fi to Werewolves and vampires to romance novels


04 Do you write in the same genre, if not, which?: Definitely not on the same genre. Most of my writing is on poetry which can be anything from thoughtful, thought provoking, romance, funny and cutees, to real passionate ones


05 Have you always written and what got you started professionally, Teresa Joseph Franklin?

About my life as a poet which I might add started just over a year ago in February 2012. I write on different subjects/topics ranging from thoughtful, thought provoking, creepy scary to funny and stunningly beautiful. What gives me inspiration to write poetry can be on life situations to people watching in the street whilst sitting having lunch or coffee, or it could be an image that I have seen on a website or in a magazine.


06 How many books have you published?:

There is seven in total that I have had published, and each one is different from the previous one that has been published


07 Which one would you like to tell us about, Teresa Joseph Franklin?:

The one that is exceptionally special to me is ‘Living Under The Same Sky’ which is purely poetry written about wolves, which is so very dear to me and their existence in the 21st Century and their struggles to survive.


08 About my book:

I might add here that I am writing a book which is based on putting a concert on stage. The background of the story is about the people involved in the production for example ‘the musical director’, ‘the lighting director’ all those behind the scenes who do the greatest of jobs without the greatest of thanks and acknowledgements.


09 Up to 3 book covers and their ASIN or ISBN:

[simpleazon-image align=”none” asin=”1484878388″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”107″]

Heartfelt Baring All (volume one) kindle ASIN: B00COSI5W6

Paperback edition below with ISBN

  • ISBN-10: 1484878388
  • ISBN-13: 978-1484878385

[simpleazon-image align=”none” asin=”1489549269″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”111″]

Heartfelt Baring All (volume two) kindle ASIN: B00CO9QPV8

Paperback edition with ISBN

  • ISBN-10: 1489549269
  • ISBN-13: 978-1489549266

[simpleazon-image align=”none” asin=”1490492151″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”124″]

Heartfelt Baring All (volume three) kindle  ASIN: B00DI8MG6C

Paperback edition ISBN

  • ISBN-10: 1490492151
  • ISBN-13: 978-1490492155


10  What would you like your next book to be on?:

My next book of poetry will be based on ‘Love’ and all that it entails, from love is for real, to drowning in love and passion. I won’t say too much as I do not want to give a lot away as this one is very close to my heart and I expect quite a few others as well.


11  If you could go anywhere in the universe, where would you go and why?:

The planet Venus seeing as it is the land us ladies planet of love and all things feminine


12        Is there anything you can share about yourself or your work that not many people know, Teresa Joseph Franklin?:

Life for me as a poet is very quiet at present. I am divorced and enjoying the independence to write poetry. My three sons have flown the nest, but are proud of their mum’s achievements to date.

Currently I am studying with the Open University as a part-time student working towards a BA (Honours) in Business Studies, who says we seniors cannot keep up with the young? Also besides being a writer of poetry I am a freelance editor/proofreader so if anyone needs an editor/proofreader I can be contacted at, for further details and questions.

13 What is your favourite foreign food?:

British, Italian


14 Are you, or have you ever been, a terrorist, Teresa Joseph Franklin?:

Never and never intend to be either.


15 Have you ever called your partner by a name in your books and what was the reaction?:

Yes and his reaction was being totally blushing from head to toe, but he took it all in good way after that, oh and by the way he writes poetry too

Owen: Thank you very much, Teresa Joseph Franklin, for coming here today to talk to us. It is interesting to hear what inspires you. You certainly have been no slouch in the short time that you have been putting your poetry in book form, Teresa. I hope that you will come back one day and give an update on your new publications.



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