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We Won’t Forget You… Mr. McGillicuddy

We Won't Forget You Mr. McGillicuddy
We Won’t Forget You Mr. McGillicuddy

We Won’t Forget You… Mr. McGillicuddy

by Ira L. White

Review by Barry Boy

I was given We Won’t Forget You… Mr. McGillicuddy by Ira L. White in exchange for an honest review while it was Book of the Day.

We Won’t Forget You… Mr. McGillicuddy is a dystopian, conspiracy-theory novel written in the third person, but it has that ring of realism that will make lovers of this novel disagree with my classification of it, and I agree that the story is very realistic and believable.

We meet four generations of the McGillicuddy family, and a fifth is born in the novel. Mr. McGillicuddy senior is developing mental, and especially memory, degeneration, and that affects all of his descendants, but so does a weakening economy and other family troubles. However, they all pull together, and we see some of the less mature members of the family ‘grow up’ and take more responsibility, just as Mr. McGillicuddy senior puts more strain on them through his worsening condition.

In the midst of all this, Mr. McGillicuddy junior is doing his best to keep his father and his own younger family from going to the dogs. He certainly does a good job at this, and vents his anger through his anti-establishment blog, which his father, in his more lucid moments, is worried will get him into trouble one day.

While we are experiencing life with the once relatively prosperous McGillicuddy’s, we are taken across America to witness glimpses of the lives of mostly unnamed people. All except for one, group, who work for a government intelligence agency under the management of one Marcus Fedder, who has an axe to grind.

There were twists and turns in this novel, which I didn’t see coming, right up to the end.

The editing is good, but not perfect. For example, the word ‘whenever’ at 73% through the novel is in superscript. I also found the author’s total lack of use of the pluperfect tense annoying and sometimes confusing. However, the cover and the title are appropriate.

I loved We Won’t Forget You… Mr. McGillicuddy by Ira L. White and would have given it full marks but for the tenses and the odd printing error.

Well done! I loved the story.

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