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To See the Sights

To See the Sights
To See the Sights

To See the Sights

 by Bridgitte Lesley

Review by Barry Boy

To See the Sights, by prolific author Bridgette Lesley, is a romance, but, as with all her stories, it is a perfectly credible one. To See the Sights is  not in the Barbara Cartland style, but set among ordinary working people in an indeterminate country.

Tina Hammond is about to take four weeks off work, her first holiday in years and whilst pondering that almost intimidating thought and reading the local paper, she comes across an advert from a single Dad, looking for someone to take care of his girls, ten and fifteen, for three weeks. Not really relishing the thought of trying to enjoy herself on her own in the locality, which she has wanted to explore better for a long time, she rings the number.

However, Phillip Henderson, the Dad, is rather rushed off his feet, and so, having scheduled in several probable babysitters, he brushes her off.

However, when all the applicants turn out to be unsuitable, he calls Tina back and she gets the job. There follows a hectic three weeks, during which Tina and the girls, and later other members of both families, visit all the local attractions, and love is in the air.

To See the Sights is a heart-warming romance that will have aficionados of the genre gasping in delight. It is a very pleasurable read.

The cover of To See the Sights is well designed and  attractive and the contents appear to have been professionally edited. The characters and the settings are well drawn too, without going into minute detail, which gives the reader the chance to use his or her own  imagination – just how I like it.

Full marks.

If you would like to read more about To See the Sights, please go to Bridgitte Lesley’s website here

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