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M’TK Sewer Rat

M'TK Sewer Rat
M’TK Sewer Rat

M’TK Sewer Rat

End of Empire

Book 1

by Delinda McCann

Review by Barry Boy

M’TK Sewer Rat, End of Empire Book One is difficult to place in a genre for me, but I think that it is a fantasy written in the first person in the style of a narrative or autobiography. The main protagonist and narrator, Jake Jaconovich, is about four- years old when we meet him. He is living with his working-class parents in a highly polluted city in the north, which his rather decides to evacuate them from in favour of a fishing village where his wife comes from. However, after a period of relative bliss, Mr Jaconovich decides that he will have to move back to a city if he is going to earn a decent wage. Not only that, but he gets sea sick!

They return to a new life of drudgery, but the three of them stick together, work hard and eventually pick themselves up to a reasonable standard of living, even though the city is infested with rats, drunks and other forms of low life.

The family’s big break comes when Jake senior gets a job on the rail road and one night saves many hapless inhabitants from a marauding army. The rail road owner notices him and he is made manager. After many trials and tribulations, little Jake heads off to university and seeks his own life and family, although his own parents are never far out of the picture.

M’TK Sewer Rat, End of Empire, Book 1, ends when Jake junior is in his mid twenties by my calculation, but Miss McCann has packed a lot of action into those twenty years.

M’TK Sewer Rat is a heart-warming story of poor boy made good through honesty, hard work, and the support of a loving family. Miss McCann has taken on a huge task by tackling this type of subject and she does a good job of it. It is inspirational.

The text has been well, but not perfectly edited, although that does not detract from reading the novel and the title and cover are apt for the story.

I give M’TK Sewer Rat full marks, well done!

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