Megan Publishing Services

Website Host – Update

Website Host - Update
Website Host – Update

Website Host – Update

A few months ago, I wrote a post here about choosing one’s website host with care, because it’s like a bank. The longer you have been there, the more accounts, direct debits, standing orders etc you have and the more difficult it seems to switch to another one.

I have known this for twenty years, but despite that, I am still having trouble with my website host! It really is difficult and frustrating.

I was with Hostgator for a few years, but then the founder sold it, and things started going wrong. Basically, it became slow and unresponsive, so I looked around and found Boxsrv. There were a few negative comments in forums, but not much and they were ‘old’. Besides, the rep I dealt with was very helpful and got my account transferred from HG and running within a day or so.

The first problem arose shortly thereafter, when WordPress announced that it could not create new folders and so could not update itself or its plug-ins. I reported it to support and was advised that I could turn off plug-in updates!

I should have known then that our relationship was not going to work. Now, a month later, I can’t raise any response from them at all.

So, it was back on the trail of a good website host for me. I specifically searched for a ‘UK host’ and chose eHost. I paid them for two years up front and sat back. That was six weeks ago, and nothing  happened, except that I received regular, automated emails offering me advice on how to run the account that I do not have!

I spoke to support again for the fifteenth time, and found out that their sister company is blooming Hostgator! When I told him my story, he tried to distance his firm from HG, but he was too late doing that.

I felt like a prisoner in Colditz who spent months digging an escape tunnel only to come up in the solitary confinement block.

And the servers are in the USA, when I specifically wanted my files in the UK.

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All the best,

by +Owen

Podcast: Website Host – Update

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