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The Psychic Megan Series by Owen Jones

The Psychic Megan Series - book cover
The Psychic Megan Series by
Owen Jones Author

The 24-part Megan Series was renamed the ‘Psychic Megan Series’ in 2022.

Owen Jones Author

Owen Jones, a Welsh author from Barry, South Wales, is best known for his books set in Wales, Spain and Thailand. Furthermore, many of Owen Jones’ books contain a paranormal, or supernatural element. Initially, the title of his first psychic series was The Megan Series. However, he added the word ‘Psychic’ for clarity in 2022. ‘The psychic series’, as many people call it, consists of twenty-three short books, or novelettes, which follow the life of Megan, a Welsh girl with psychic powers.

The Misconception

The Misconception is the first book in the series. It has the subtitle ‘A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger, and One Scary Mother!’. Right from the start, Jones introduces us to all three characters in this first book. The underlying theme of the series is that Megan has psychic abilities and wats to explore and develop them.

She has tried to discuss the matter with her Catholic mother, but she gets no help whatsoever. She even gets the impression that her mother fears the very subject. In fact, often Megan brings the subject up, her mother, Suzane, locks in the coalhole. Suzanne is the scary mother in the subtitle of this psychic series.

The Spirit Guide

Megan’s Spirit Guide, a Sioux named Wacinhinsha, is always on hand to answer any questions that she has. Megan can see and talk with Wacinhinsha just like she can with anyone else on the planet, which this gives her great comfort. Indeed, Wacinhinsha is the only person she has found in her thirteen years, who is willing to discuss, and knowledgeable about, life after death, ghosts, and the Afterlife with her.

The Ghost Tiger

The name of the huge Siberian ghost tiger is Grrr. You might think of her like a familiar, or pet from Beyond, but Megan doesn’t see her like that. To Megan, Grrr is a companion, a confidante, and a protector, and Grrr seems to agree, adopting the rôle gracefully. If Grrr is not present when Megan needs her, she only has to think of her and Grrr comes running. The same is goes for Wacinhinsha too.

The Psychic Megan Series

If you look in the title bar of this blog, you will discover many references and links to further details on Welsh author Owen Jones and his books. The section called First Chapters contains links to the first chapters of many of his books including The Psychic Megan Series. Furthermore, most of Owen Jones’ books have been translated and narrated in those languages as well as in English. So, all the links you need are on this blog page.

The Psychic Megan Series

Sister blog: The Amiable Dragon

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