Megan Publishing Services

Computer Problems

Computer Problems
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Computer Problems

I have been working on the computer problems caused by Microsoft Office’s reinstallment all day, but I fear that it will take quite some time to replace all the little refinements I had built into my versions of the office suite over the last eighteen years.

As an aside, when going to type in the word ‘problems’ above, I noticed that the letter ‘p’ has disappeared from my Kindle’s keyboard in landscape view but it is there in portrait. I don’t know, my computing world has been turned upside down in the last month what with Google’s and Amazon’s forced site changes and now my hardware and software malfunctions.

I swear that I haven’t had so many computer problems in such a short space of time since I started computing thirty-three years ago.

Still, where would I be without a computer and the Internet? Stuck in my home town, I guess, whereas with them I am in sunny Thailand writing books and novels, which I very much enjoy doing. I often wonder whether I would ever have started writing that first novel if I hadn’t been in Thailand. It’s about Thai bar girls after all, so I think that the chances are against it. The encouragement I received from my brother, Rhys, spurred me on to write the sequel and now I have written thirty-eight novels and factual books, plus ninety-nine ‘How To’s…’

Which reminds me, I really should get the hundredth written to round the number off.

Therefore, now I am looking for a literary agent to help me find a publisher, who will take the distribution of my books to a new level and so increase awareness of them and hopefully also improve sales figures.

That’s the master plan anyway, while I hand the nitty-gritty of the recent spate of computer problems that is plaguing me.

Wish me luck.

All the best.


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Podcast: Computer Problems

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