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This section covers posts that in general do not fit into other sections easily. They will mostly be made by admin on whatever I am adding at that moment, which is usually something to do with writing, publishing, websites, eating or Thailand, which is where I live :-)

What Are PLR Ebooks?

We have created a list of the best PLR eBooks to help you choose one that is right for your project – written personally by a pro novelist!

PLR Ebook Listings

The PLR Ebook Listings here are of niche articles written by the author Owen Jones. Use them to create ebooks or courses to sell in your name

How To Write Your First Book As An Indie Author

In this article, we’ll show you how to write your first book as an indie author. It can be a long, but very enjoyable, journey.

Selling Self-Published Books

You’ve written a great book. Now what? How do you market it so people buy it? In this article, we’ll answer these questions and more.

To People Who Want To Sell Books

Selling your book as an author is one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do. But if you follow these tips, you’ll be on your way to success!

Book Translations

Book translations are a big feature of Megan Publishing Services’s blog. It means that people from more countries can read Owen Jones’ books

My New Book Covers

When ordering my new book covers, it’s easy to forget details that will later seem very important, so here’s a list of the most common items

Book Cover Sense

How is your book cover sense? Have your book covers become old friends, or are they still the equal advertising partners they once were?

Blog Stats

This article is about the unusual blog stats I have for last month. There are certain patterns in my typical statistics, but these are odd

Foreign Translations on MPS

Foreign Translations is a key feature of the services offered by Megan Publishing Services, but are we both talking about the sae thing? Click through to find out.

Other Languages: Czech, Slovak…

At the time of writing, there are about seven hundred translations and narrations in about thirty-five languages on the Megan Publishing Services blog.

Garden Snakes

The photo is of either a Paradise Snake or a Golden Tree Snake, both of which are so-called flying snakes. It is totally harmless, but still quite a shock when you find one wrapped around your front door handle first thing in the morning.

High Blood Pressure

high blood pressure, blood pressure, hypertension, bradycardia, Atenolol, high blood pressure tablets

My Village Pub Crawl

A Village Pub Crawl is often the highlight of my social life in the village. I don’t speak Thai well enough to hold a decent conversation, but I do like to say ‘Hello’ as I wander around the village.

Travel PLR Ebook

Do you run a travel blog, whether it is full of your own experiences or it is an affiliate marketing site doesn’t really matter. An active blog needs several new articles a week to keep the search engines happy, to hold or improve your Page rank.

Heinz 57 Baby

My brother, Roddy, was a Heinz 57 Baby. Do you have any idea what that means? Searching the Internet will not help you, and Google’s results will be particularly disheartening. Google is not a real searcher of Truth any longer, it is a provider of shopping opportunities.

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